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Mirror Maze

      Many mirror corridors formed by installing mirrors at certain angles create the effect of an infinity attraction.

      The play of color, light, and music - charges with fun and causes an explosion of positive emotions.

      Amazing fun for the whole family!

      There is an entrance and an exit in any labyrinth, and certainly, the task is to find an exit, but this is not the goal itself. The goal is to try to dissolve into infinity, to get emotions and impressions that were not felt before, since they were not in such a space.

The cost of the base model from 750 $ / m2

The cost of the arch model is from $ 1000 / m2

Recommended area - from 40 m2

Installation time - from 10 days


(The ability to install both indoors and in a seasonal version, that is, on embankments and in parks.). The payback period of a project depends on the location, its conversion, etc. It is calculated individually after providing additional and required data for calculation) (For USA & Canada +15%+tax) 

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Зеркальный лабиринт: Pro Gallery


Украина - Польша - США

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